When left is active the player is turning left. When klook is active forward and back become lookup and lookdown. When jump is active the player is jumping When forward is active the player is moving forward When back is active the player is moving backwards When attack is active the player is firing their current weapon (X)=Other (P)=Protocol New for v1.06 auxlook (?) (A)=Action (C)=Command (T)=Toggle or flag (V)=Variable (?)=Unknown Held liable or responsible for any damages caused from use or misuse of the information The validity of any of the information in it is not guaranteed.

Version of this document can always be found at Disclaimer: This document is provided as is and may not be This document was obtained from the Quake Stomped Grounds. Quake Console Commands The Console Commands List Includes version 1.06 250 Commands (only 8 undocumented)